Amateur hour is over. To get the best talent today, it’s not enough to offer competitive wages, pet-friendly spaces, and a killer dental plan. Business owners and managers need to think of selling candidates on the entire experience of joining their company – and this is where kickass office design ideas come in. When you hire someone, you’re asking them to spend the majority of their waking hours in your space. So you’ve got to bring it with corporate office design ideas that welcome prospective team members and wow them. Here are some to get you started.  


High-Impact Logos

Your team has spent valuable time and money creating the perfect logo for your business. It’s probably emblazoned on your letterhead, stamped on your product packaging, splashed across your website, and firmly placed in your email signature. But, is it taking its rightful place in your office building? If you’re like most companies, the answer is no. 

Instill pride in your employees and stake your claim boldly with an attention-snagging logo sign. We have a wide variety of materials we use to produce one-of-a-kind logos for customers, and would love to help you dream up the best fit for you. However the final product takes shape, you’ll strike the right tone for anyone and everyone who walks through your doors.


Eye-Catching Wall Murals

Next, think about your office wall graphics. Are they old? Are they bold? Or are they nonexistent? Many companies’ walls are literally just white. We don’t want to be the bearers of bad news, but if your company isn’t a lab or hospital, let’s fix that. Let’s transform those blank canvases into something way better: statements. 

Consider a wall mural that transforms your office’s style and tone. You can play with different color schemes depending on how you want employees to feel at work, and let your mind run free with creative designs. Whether your goal is inspiration, education, inclusion or sophistication, a stunning wall mural can help you achieve it. 


Custom Environments

What if you’re thinking even larger-scale than logos and office branding wall graphics? We’re right there with you. Don’t be held back by what you’ve seen in other companies or what you think is possible. There’s always a way to be more creative and help your business stand out to potential employees. 

Want a custom (and functional) putting green in the middle of your sports marketing offices? We’ll make it a hole-in-one. Dreaming of an actual runway in your apparel brand’s offices, where you can bring in models to showcase new designs for your sales reps? We’ll make it Milan-worthy. Or, maybe you’re not sure what direction you want to go; you just know the current environment is stuffy and stifling. Let’s brainstorm together. We thrive on adding fuel to your creative fire. 


Going for any – or all – of these office design tips is sure to up the ante on your office space and make potential recruits do a double-take. Contact us if you’d like to hear more ideas, or get started transforming your corporate environment today!