Most of us have seen a movie or T.V. show that highlights stifling company cultures where the goal of the main character is to get OUT of that environment. Constant belittling, nagging, and just down-right being mean to each other on a daily basis. This is a great example of a terrible company culture.
It’s almost a co-dependent relationship where one side has all the power and the other side feels like they have no choice but to cater to the demands constantly put on them.

The big problem with these type of environments is that the individuals don’t feel valued and genuinely heard. And in the saddest of cases, they don’t expect to be valued or heard.

In the healthiest of company cultures, there isn’t exactly a clear hierarchy. Rather, each individual realizes that each person has an important part to play. Everyone is interdependent on everyone else’s success. Counting on each other to pull their weight and do their best. This accountability on each other sets the bar high, pointing everyone in the company in the same direction. And most importantly, if someone falls short of the goal, the team is there to help them up and encourage them to try again. Accountability also gives the subtle but direct message of, “We believe in you. We believe you can meet this goal…If not today, then someday.”

Company Culture: Highway 85 Creative


This ideal company culture can only exist if there’s a foundation of respect. Respect for each other and what every person does, whether it be the receptionist or CEO. Once that respect is established – open communication can flourish. And once a company is at the level of open communication and aren’t afraid anymore to speak up, voice opinions, problems, and improvements, that’s when a company can reach the highest level of success.

Because success isn’t only gauged with a paycheck – but of day to day interaction. The quality of a person’s life is dependent on these everyday situations. Once a company embraces these traits of value and respect, everyone benefits and great things start to happen.